(The past) On our second date Tay took me to his parents house and I got
to meet his wonderful family. When I first walked in I remember thinking:
"I could totally feel at home here in this house..with this family"
I have never thought or felt this way about any one else I had dated.
I also remember taking note of how Tay treated his Mom and his Dad
(I am a believer that how a man treats his mother he will end up treating you)...
I was very pleased and amazed that a young man his age had so much respect
and love for his parents. I just knew he was a keeper:) And he passed
the test with my favorite aunt Patty so we all know that means he fits the glove just right!
(Past/Present) I have been immensely blessed with great in-laws!
I admire Tay's mom for having 7 children in 8 years! Tay's
parents have done a wonderful job raising their children to
be hard workers!
(Present) I love to be apart of such a strong loving family!