
Monday, August 13, 2012

The 8th Month Mark

                 Well last week I made 2 trips to the hospital because my doctor thought something
 was wrong with our little man. She thought I might need to be induced because my placenta stopped working and the baby at this point would stop growing and I would have a still born. Well my doctor only thought all this because my belly was not measuring according to the normal size. Well THANKFUL she was WRONG. We had a 3D ultra sound which was incredible! He is so flippin cute, I wanted him to come right then and hold him! He is already 7lbs and PERFECTLY HEALTHY! Tay and I were so relieved! I really want a 7-8 pound baby so I am happy to know he is already 7lbs. I really want him to come this week, but he is not due for 13 more days so that may not happen. I am so ready for him though! Luckily I have been feeling pretty good considering I am this far along. I have been getting a lot of contractions which is normal obviously not enough to send me into labor (which I would not mind at all). 

Last week we washed and folded all his little clothes and blankets, so adorable! I still can't believe what a miracle this all is. I am so excited to have a child that will come into a home full of love for him! 

Well I said I would post a picture of me when I am about to pop so here it is: 


Mandi said...

If I can be half as cute as you when I'm prego I'll be happy as pie :) I freaking love you and I already love your little man to pieces too. I hope you text me when he's born (since calling might be out of the question, you'll be a bit busy) but I want to come visit you and him if you don't mind! Love you girl. Good luck with labor :)

Lisa said...

I'm having major long torso envy! (If only I were a few inches taller...:)) You look great!!! Can't wait to hear of his arrival!

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